BackTalk Sports Talk

BackTalk Sports Talk
Mama may have said don't give her any backtalk, but this ain't your mama's sports talk group!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Oh Be Careful Little Mouth What You Say

Remember a few months ago when Ohio State University president E. Gordon Gee was giving his thesis on why TCU and Boise State (both undefeated at the time) did not deserve a chance to play in the BCS National Championship Game? Remember that Gordon?

I'm sure ol' Gordon wishes he could forget ever opening his mouth about a sport, by his own admission, he knows very little about. As we discovered not long after those remarks, Mr. Gee's Buckeyes weren't deserving of the title shot either by having 5 star players admit to selling their Big 10 championship rings and game gear to OSU boosters. Next time Gordon, sweep around your own front door before you go sweeping others.

But wait! Gordon's not alone when it comes to dining on crow. Seated across the dinner table is none other than OSU head coach Jim Tressel, Mr. Sweater Vest himself.

It always puzzled me that Terrelle Pryor and the other 4 players were so adamant on returning to Ohio State next year to face a 5 game suspension rather than head for the NFL. I mean Pryor proved he was NFL-ready but he chose to remain with the Buckeyes to play just 7 games next year when he could have made millions as a backup quarterback on an NFL roster. My theory is Pryor and his 4 teammates felt obligated to return after their coach, who knew of their rule violations almost a year ago, attempted to cover up the issue to keep his guys on the field.

According to Tressel, he felt he was "doing the right thing" for the safety of his players. Come on Jim! You were doing the right thing for the safety of your job! We all know you've been on the hot seat for two years and you needed a championship run or at least a BCS bowl victory to save your job. Nice try Jim.

Maybe next time, Gordon will keep a hushed mouth when it comes to who is worthy of playing and who is not. And maybe Tressel will urge his players to do the right thing and follow the rules of being a student-athlete. But that probably won't happen, Jim has a history of covering up for players who break the rules. Remember Troy Smith and Maurice Clarett?

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