BackTalk Sports Talk

BackTalk Sports Talk
Mama may have said don't give her any backtalk, but this ain't your mama's sports talk group!

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Who's Clutch? It Ain't the "King"

Let the debating end now! LeBron James is not a better player than Kobe Bryant…PERIOD!

While both have phenomenal playing skills and can post great numbers in any given game, the Black Mamba makes the King look like a prince in one key area that is arguably the most important: closing out a game.

Over the last two weeks we sat and watched as game after game the Heat had an opportunity late in the game to either nail the coffin on their opponent or make a courageous comeback. In every instance, the ball was in LeBron's hands with less than 10 seconds on the clock. The result was identical in each game - CLANG! - a brick thrown up by James.

Yeah I know you LBJ worshippers think I'm picking on him. Well maybe a little, but I'm also stating facts. LeBron has had many opportunities to prove that he is a clutch performer. The last (and only) time he actually came through was in game 2 of the 2009 Eastern Conference semis against Orlando. Game 2? A game 2 winning shot is only memorable if that shot is a momentum shifter. We all know the Magic went on the run through LeBron and the Cavs.

On the other hand, Kobe Bryant has a killer instinct that we all once thought LeBron had as well. In a close game we have seen Kobe drive the dagger straight through the hearts of his opponents. I want to see that characteristic in LeBron…I really do! It makes arguing with LeBron loyalist more challenging is their guy is really all they believe he is. Kobe has proven to be the guy you want with the ball in his hands at the end of a game.  LeBron has only proven he can shed a tear with his teammates. More on that in my next blog. Crying? Really Miami?

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